jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010


It is how the people express their feelings.
You can find Art in any place, but it has to be created by humans and really express feelings, wathcing it relax you sometimes and if you really apreciate it you will understand what the author is trying to say

"Witness for The Prosecution"

It was the largest one
I did not enjoy it so much it was very strange the part I start reading, I get a little bit bored and I start reading another history.
Teacher please let´s read another kind of stories, well that is my opinion

"The Sun"

It was very short, but it goes to the point. the point is that the sun is very important and make us reflex about how the sun can be so important and majestic it could be.
I did not like it so much because it makes you have a lot of questions whne you finish reading, like me I do not know what is the trama of the history.

Salvador Late or Early"

This reading shows you to valorate your life and respect your life how it is. I like it too beacuse it makes you reflex a lot of your life and make you valorate all your life.
It shows you too a lot of responsablity and show you that if your life is not so good you can make it change and be a better person.

"There Will Come The Soft Rains"

I really like a lot this story. It is a little bit tragic but it has a very good theme and and fluence in the history. it entertains you very much and keeps you the most part of the history in suspence.
It is very original the poem and have a post-apocalyptic setting.
The saddest part is when the house is fighting with the fire to survive, this history really take you to the place you are writing.
Teacher Narchi you must put us to read stories like this I really enjoy reading this short-story.