domingo, 23 de enero de 2011


This story I couldn´t read it all, but the part I read it I like it beacuse it trasport me to that year and makes me feel what the author wants to transmit to the reader. And now when I have a problem I need to see the good side. If not I will never solve that.

Phenomenal Woman

This poem, for me, was very deep and this woman really loves to be a woman. And this poem protect all the rights of the woman, and I like a lot that beacuse I really love my family and I like to protect all the women of my family. I lovea lot that this poem make it a song! has a very good rythm.

Everyday Use

This story was a little bit weird, because it doe not has a real theme for me. I enjoyed it but not as much as the others it was a little bit difficult to read and understand it. But I think it is a very good story and I could make my family enojoy it too.

The Winter Sundays

This was the best poem we have ever read. This makes me feel what the author wants to really say and was very sensible and has a lot of true with the real life. It was very short but very strong and give us an idea of how do poor people live in the cold. In conclution was the best.

What is Poetry?

i really enjoy this theme, I really think this theme was very boring, but you Mr. Narchi demostrate me it is not true! you really make me enjoy this kind of literature. and now I certainly know is one of the most beautiful arts in all the categories. of course there are some exceptions, but mostly all of the poems are really good and demostrate the feelings of the author.